To say all Aries men are cheaters is a sweeping statement. However, they have a bit of a reputation, which is not unjustified. They are charmers who can be adventurous, flirty, and quick to rescue a damsel in distress.
Why the Reputation Aries Man Cheating?
So why do Aries men cheat? Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and was the Roman god of war. Mars provides Aries with a fiery passion, impulsive action, and intense sexuality. Mars can make Aries men headstrong, sometimes aggressive, and up for a fight and unfortunately deliver us a few Aries cheating men.
Love Story
Aries men fall in love easily. However, they can fall out of love just as quickly. He will be quick to express his undying love for you, and then very quickly, he will run out of affection. Their desire for adventure will be too powerful, and they will get bored rapidly. They love the thrill of the chase, and then once they have conquered, they will tire and move on to becoming a cheating Aries man.
How to Spot an Aries Man Cheater
Do Aries cheat? Yes, and there are a few clues you can spot.
- Is your Aries man always on the phone and acting secretively about who he is calling?
- Does he keep talking about someone? He might be saying positive and negative things about this person.
- Is he spending time on his own, which is unusual?
- Does he seem bored and uninterested in any plans you might mention?
- Has he stopped showing you any affection?
What to Do If You Think Your Partner Is Cheating?
If you have a list of red flags alerting you to the possibility you are living with a cheating Aries husband or boyfriend, you need to tread carefully. Remember, he does not like an interrogation. He will blame you; it will be your fault he got bored, and your life together is mundane. However, he is likely to have feelings for you and try to avoid a break-up.
Other Woman
You may be the other woman asking, who is this Aries man cheating with me? You may be the friend of the Aries man cheating on girlfriend. Why did the Aries man cheat, and what type of woman did he choose as his new lover?
The chances are an Aries man did not deliberately go out to cheat. He is likely to have gone out with his mates and started flirting with someone at the bar. She probably flattered him. An Aries man has a big ego and loves to be the center of attention. The other woman may have been a damsel in distress and brought out the warrior in our Mars fuelled Aries. He would jump at the opportunity to prove his chivalry.
Or the other woman may have played hard to get, and our Aries man loves a challenge and would have got a thrill out of the chase.
Whoever she is, the other woman, he is still an Aries man cheating.
Sizzling Combo of Aries Cheating
There is a good possibility an Aries man is only after a one-night stand, and he is not looking for an affair. However, if he meets an Aquarius woman, he could be a married Aries man in love with another woman. They are both creative and imaginative and will try anything appealing to the intense sexual desire of an Aries man.
How To Get Him Back
What do you do? You know your husband is a snake when Aries man cheats on his wife, but you still want him back. You have to be smart, be intelligent, prove you are better than any other woman who might be the object of his affection.
You will have to be feminine and attractive, dress to impress. You are married and have been together a while. You know he does not like to be tied down, so allow him freedom. You know he has an ego, so you need to flatter him. If you prefer to stay cozied up at home watching a movie with a hot chocolate, then it might be the wiser option to keep away.
Why Do You Want Him Back?
Why would you want him back when you have caught an Aries man cheating? You have been with him long enough to know he is a romantic deep down. He may be tough outside, but he has a soft and sweet center when letting his guard down. He does not open up to everyone, but he has opened up to you in the past.
Will Aries man cheat? No, not if you enjoy the passion and excitement that he brings to the relationship, and you can keep up with his restlessness. You may not have a traditional life married with kids, but you will have a spontaneous adventure filled with fire and love.
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