The Neptune in Aquarius placement is an absorbing topic. People coming from such a placement are some of the most spiritual, gentle, and deep-thinking people on the planet. They believe in harmony and making the world a better place. This can sometimes lead Neptune Aquarius people to be described as dreamers. However, since they are not afraid of contemplating fresh ideas, it is common for Aquarians to live a less ordinary life than others.
Positive Traits of Neptune Aquarius People
If we had to zone in on two positive traits of these natives, we would shoot for creativity and determination. Thanks to these two traits, these people are often pioneers for major breakthroughs in different industries. This can be true for areas such as technology, medicine, and many others, too. But really, this all stems from their willingness to entertain new ideas. They are not afraid to contemplate fresh ways of doing things, which makes them natural leaders should the environment be right.
Just know that Neptune Aquarius people will hammer home their own ideas regardless of how impossible things might seem!
Neptune In Aquarius Man
Aquarius in Neptune man is an adventure junkie and a thrill seeker. He cannot stand to be bogged down in one place for too long, and he is less likely to accept any form of traditional employment. In fact, an Aquarius man with Neptune placement is often courageous enough to go it alone, which goes hand-in-hand with entrepreneurship. Then again, their desire to pursue new ideas can make them rather relentless, when it comes to achieving their goals. So, dealing with such people can be tough if you are not on the same wavelength.
Neptune In Aquarius Woman
This woman is just as courageous as a Neptune in Aquarius man. However, they seem to be more methodical and they are willing to take more time before proceeding with any radical change. They are able to sit back and analyze ideas and situations before deciding on which path to take. This woman is often extremely knowledgeable as well, which helps them to make plenty of prosperous decisions for themselves over time.
They seem to be blessed when it comes to creativity and artistic skills too. So, it’s not at all uncommon to see a Neptune in Aquarius woman working in the associated industries.
Negative Traits of Neptune in Aquarius
While there are many positive traits Aquarians with Neptune placement, it isn't all sunshine and rainbows. These people do not respond well to criticism of their ideas, and they can be slow to give up on an idea, even if things are obviously not going to work out. This is because of their underlying determination to achieve the impossible. And as you can imagine, this can make them tough to work with, especially if they are part of a team. So, while they will probably have great breakthroughs in their life, they will also experience lengthy periods of ‘averageness’.
And that’s because they can be so stubborn with their pursuit of the impossible.
Neptune in Aquarius Career (Money)
As you may have already guessed, Aquarius in Neptune individuals often enjoy great financial success. This is apparent thanks to their relentless determination to succeed, mainly in ‘modern industries’ such as technology, science, transport, or medicine. There is nothing to guarantee that these people will receive great money or wealth early on in life. And that's because it can take time for their ideas to come to fruition. But ultimately, Aquarians people tend to succeed in the long run.
Their creative minds, combined with their desire to achieve great goals lead them down a path of financial prosperity.
Neptune in Aquarius Charasteristics in Love
When it comes to love, a Neptune Aquarius person can often be an extremely loyal partner. However, they have absolutely zero tolerance for anything that does not agree with their own ideals and morals. For example, if a potential partner is boring, common, or lacks creativity, it is unlikely that they will pursue them. As for long-term partners, it is an absolute necessity that they are free thinkers. This is what stimulates conversation, builds excitement, and, ultimately, creates deep love between them and their partner. Anything less is just unacceptable.
We really do hope that you are now feeling more confident with what an Aquarius in Neptune person tends to display. We also hope that this information has been entertaining for you to read. And if you feel that you want to learn more about either the Neptune in Aquarius man/woman do browse through our other subtopics when you get a chance.
And please — come back to this page if ever you feel you need a refresher!
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